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Family Friendly Information Guide
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London Zoo

Positioned in Regent's Park this world's most famous zoos and is home to over 12,000 animals. 'Meet the Animals' shows are held daily. The children's zoo, is designed to educate children aged 4-8 years, which includes rabbits, hamsters and llamas giving plenty of handling opportunities.

Baby changing area: Yes
Baby feeding area: Yes
Pushchair access: Yes
Restaurant/cafe with children's meals: Yes
Phone: 020-7722 3333
The penguin pool (listed Grade 1) has limited viewing for very small children and wheelchair users. There is no ramped access to the Moonlight world and the Aquarium. However if travailing with a someone in a wheel chair it can be arranged for a volunteer to take you into the Aquarium via level access at the rear.

Map here
Key to symbols
baby changing facilities Baby changing facilities
baby feeding facilitiesBaby feeding facilities
pushchair accessWheelchair/pushchair access
Not available
Not known